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Every Body

Come join us for a special event celebrating Intersex Awareness Day! We will be starting the evening with the screening of Focus Features' documentary "Every Body" - The stories of three individuals who have moved from childhoods marked by shame, secrecy and non-consensual surgeries to thriving adulthoods. The screening will be followed by a talk-back with, documentary participant, writer & activist, Alicia Roth Weigel - who will be touching on their journey and the issues faced by the intersex community - and the fantastic Julie Cohen, Academy Award nominee, Emmy and Peabody winning documentary Director. We will then invite you to mingle during a cocktail reception where free drinks will be served.

Oct 26

6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

The Village at Ed Gould Plaza

1125 N McCadden Place Los Angeles, CA 90038

Every Body Intersex Awareness Day
Action Name