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Trans Wellness Center

The Trans Wellness Center (TWC) provides comprehensive resources and services for transgender and nonbinary people under one roof.

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group of transwomen standing side by side

Funded through a $1 million annual grant for three to five years from the L.A. County Department of Public Health, the Trans Wellness Center (TWC) was formed through a unique partnership of six local community organizations: APAIT (Access to Prevention, Advocacy, Intervention, and Treatment); Bienestar; Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles; Friends Community Center; Translatin@ Coalition; and the Los Angeles LGBT Center, which is leading the management and operations support for TWC.

Hours of Operation

Our service schedule may vary based on provider availability, so please call or email with any questions. Parking is available on site, and free with validation.

Our Services

Medical & Sexual Health Services

Mental Health Services

Primary Care and Hormone Replacement Therapy

Youth Services

SOUL Program

TRANSAction Program

Housing Navigation

Benefits Enrollment

Computer Lab

Clothing Closet

Legal Services

Trans Economic Empowerment Program

Transportation Support Services

Action Name