Food & Nutrition Services
We provide meals, offer Culinary Arts training, and can even help stock your pantry through our Senior Services department.
What We Offer
Hot Meals
Hot and delicious meals are provided to Senior Services participants and their caregivers age 50+ by the Center’s Culinary Arts Program. Daily hot lunches are provided at three dining centers Monday through Friday, and the lunch menu is emailed to participants weekly. Vegan options are available but limited. Unfortunately, we are not able to make additional dietary substitutions.
Culinary Arts Training Program
The Center’s intergenerational Culinary Arts Training Program prepares participants to pursue meaningful careers throughout the restaurant and hospitality sectors. Our meals are delicious, made from scratch, and prepared with tons of love and pride.
Pride Pantry
To help stock your pantry and provide nutrition between our lunches, the Center’s Senior Pride Pantry provides boxes of shelf-stable grocery and household items customized to your needs. Sign up for our portal at the link below to learn more. Pride Pantry is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30—11AM.
Farmers' Market
Farmers' Market offers free produce to participants the First Wednesday of every month from 11AM—1PM at our Senior Center.

Next Steps
Participants age 60+ must complete an easy enrollment form to participate in lunches. You can drop in at our Senior Center to sign up. For Pride Pantry, you can sign up following the link below. We've also listed our dining locations and hours of operation for your convenience. We look forward to seeing you!