Educators & Adults
We provide educators, adults, and educational institutions with the trainings, support, and resources they need to build affirming safe spaces for queer and trans students through two major programs: OUT for Safe Schools (empowering school districts and educational agencies) and the CAN Coalition (providing trainings and assistance to educators).
OUT for Safe Schools: Empowering School Districts & Educational Agencies
About Us
The Los Angeles LGBT Center’s OUT for Safe Schools® program transforms school campuses into communities of support and safety for LGBTQ+ students. By implementing OUT for Safe Schools®, your school district or educational agency is mobilizing allyship for LGBTQ+ students, helping them feel comfortable and thrive at school. Staff who wish to participate in the Campaign can wear the OUT for Safe Schools® badges, displaying their willingness to talk to students and parents about LGBTQ concerns. This will spread the reach of the visibility campaign to the areas where the most incidents of victimization occur: on the playground, during lunch time, and in school hallways.
Wear It Proud
The OUT for Safe Schools® campaign is initiated and implemented through district, county, or state offices of education. For school staff and community members to truly feel supported wearing the OUT for Safe Schools®’ badge, we believe they must know that they have full backing from their local administration—shown by safe and supportive polices, culture, and practices. For this reason, badges are only distributed to adults that are part of participating OUT for Safe Schools® districts.
Our History
In 2013, the Los Angeles LGBT Center, in partnership with Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), introduced the OUT for Safe Schools® Campaign to encourage school staff to publicly identify as supportive LGBTQ+ allies in their school communities. In 2015, with the help of GSA Network and the Safe and Supportive Schools project, the campaign went national and was introduced to nine other major districts across the country, including: New York Department of Education, DC Public Schools, DC office of the Superintendent, Chicago Public Schools, Duval County Public Schools, San Diego Unified School District, San Francisco Unified School District, and Oakland Unified School District.

OUT for Safe Schools' Education Partners Include:

CAN Coalition: Competency Trainings
If you’re looking to improve your school or club’s LGBTQ competency and awareness, build safe spaces and inclusivity, enhance strength-based storytelling, or encourage substance prevention and staying above the influence, we’re here to help. Request a training from our experts at the form below.

Let Our Students Know They're Safe