Crime, Violence, and Harassment
The Center’s Legal Services team offers a dedicated focus on justice for survivors—whether you’re a survivor of a hate crime, police-related violence, harassment, or intimate partner violence. Below, we offer a variety of resources that can help you get started. Please note: Even if you do not intend to use the legal system or speak with law enforcement, it may be helpful to talk to one of our victim advocates or attorneys to assess all your options.
The Anti-Violence Project & Legal Advocacy Project for Survivors
If You've Been the Victim of a Hate Crime or Incident
Please take appropriate steps to protect yourself. First; If you're injured, seek medical assistance. Second; make detailed notes, including witness information and any hateful words used. Third; Document location, injuries, and property damage with photographs. Fourth; Call us for assistance and support at the details provided below.
Our Program
The Anti-Violence Project provides comprehensive and holistic services for survivors of violence, hate crimes, harassment, discrimination, and law enforcement misconduct. Our Legal Advocacy Project for Survivors provides LGBTQ+-specific, trauma-informed, direct legal services and advocacy for LGBTQ+ victims of domestic/intimate partner/dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, trafficking, and/or other crime victimization.
Our Services
Our LGBTQ+-inclusive services include: safety planning and crisis intervention; attorney consultations and support with preparation of restraining orders; accompaniment to Court and law enforcement agencies; advocacy with law enforcement, criminal justice agencies, service providers, and others; assistance in applying for compensation pursuant to California’s Victims of Crime Act; coordination of sexual assault response services; referrals to LGBTQ+-inclusive service providers; referrals to counseling, mental health, and other support services; safety planning; training, education, and consultations on LGBTQ+ domestic/intimate partner/dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, hate crimes and/or other crime victimization; and transportation to appointments relevant to client’s case.
Getting Started
For all clients, we start our process with telephone intakes, and then proceed (if necessary) to telephone or video consultations. In-person appointments will be limited, but we prioritize these appointments for clients who do not have ongoing access to the phone/internet, and/or clients who need to receive legal documents. Follow the instructions below to begin.