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Voter Action

Here’s the deal: There’s a movement attempting to dial back LGBTQ+ rights by making our public schools less safe, outing trans youth, and even influencing classroom curriculum. If we sit this election out, they win. LGBTQ+ voters and allies are a significant voting block and when we TurnOut & Vote, we win.

This November, let’s TurnOut & Vote to:

  • Protect the Freedom to Marry by voting YES on Prop 3 
  • Oust anti-LGBTQ+ extremists on our school boards
  • Pass Measure A in LA County to fund crucial homeless services
  • Elect pro-LGBTQ+ candidates at all levels of government.

2024 Election: Center Voting Guide

Need to know what’s on the ballot? We’ve got you covered. Our 2024 Center Voting Guide highlights the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s positions on important ballot measures. You can find our statewide and Los Angeles County priority recommendations below, or download the complete guide as a PDF to bring with you to the polls.

turn out and vote 2024 center voting guide

Show Up for LGBTQ+ Students

In states across the country, school districts have become battlegrounds for anti-LGBTQ+ culture wars organized by far-right extremists—including right here in California.

The Los Angeles LGBT Center recently completed a successful campaign to reduce anti-trans bias and support youth in Glendale, California. With the election coming up this November, we have shifted our focus to Chino Valley Unified School District, which has been ground zero for anti-transgender school policies.

Sign up to join our canvassing efforts

LGBTQ+ Issues Are on the Ballot This Year

Is it really that important to vote in down-ballot races?

Yes! In fact, some would argue that these races are the most important part of the ballot. The most pressing issues that we’ve seen crop up in our area—including hate, violence, and attacks on our community—are going to be solved by our city council members and school board officials.

Okay, but I’m not sure that I know enough about these races to vote confidently.
This is all really helpful, but I still feel a little overwhelmed.
What is a voting plan?
We Need LGBTQ+ Voters More Than Ever
The anti-LGBTQ+ backlash is here—yes, even in California—and we need you to do your part. Voting isn’t perfect, but every vote matters, especially in our local communities. Candidates can be voted into office by a few hundred votes. Check your registration status, register to vote, and sign up for election reminders to make sure your voice is heard.
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Action Name